Request for Comments

The Trinity Trail Preservation Association has obtained a grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Recreational Trails Program to extend the equestrian and hiking trail near Lake Lavon another ten miles. The current trail runs from the East Fork Equestrian Campground in Wylie, TX north to a trailhead at Highland Park in Lucas and is 17.5 miles long. The next section will run from Highland Park to Wilson Creek on U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s land approximately another 10 miles. The Corps is now requesting comments on the extension of the trail until December 12, 2008. These comments will be reviewed and analyzed in order to determine if permission will be given to proceed with marking a route and construction of the trail.

Please send your emails of support, including your town and state, to:

Lake Manager James Murphy
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Lake Lavon Office
3375 Skyview Drive
Wylie, TX 75098-5775

Or email your support to James Murphy at

You might want to include some of the items below in your letter/email.

1) Trinity Trail has the only full-service equestrian campground within 50 miles. This new campground will increase the likelihood of horseman from a wider area visiting and spending money in Collin County. A longer trail increases the likelihood that equestrian campers will stay overnight at the campground so they can ride the entire trail.

2) Trinity Trail is the only trail in Collin County which allows both horses and hikers, adding to the diversity of recreational opportunities for the public.

3) Provides a place for hiking, bird-watching, trailriding, dog walking, and nature study in the most rapidly developing county in the country.

4) Makes the Corps land more accessible to the public for recreational use.

5) A longer trail will make additional types of equestrian events such as endurance and competitive trail rides possible, bringing more people to Collin County for recreation.

6) This is the next link in the trail which will connect with a proposed equestrian trail in McKinney. Eventually the trail will link Wylie, Lucas, Fairview and McKinney….approximately 35 miles of trail.

7) The extension is consistent with both the Collin County Strategic Parks and Open Space Plan and the City of Lucas Comprehensive Plan. Both entities enthusiastically support the TTPA and the trail extension.

8) The trailriding public is a rapidly growing segment of the recreational community. They have discretionary income they can spend for camping, riding, equestrian equipment and local services which will bring dollars to local merchants.

9) The trail will increase access to the shores and views of Lake Lavon and will offer a place of quiet and relaxation in our busy world.

10) The 200 member Trinity Trail Preservation Association has a long history of developing and maintaining the existing trail and has pledged to maintain the trail.

11) According to the American horse Council, those who own horses for pleasure rather than profit have determined recent horse industry growth and the pleasure rider makes up the majority of the market.

12) An equestrian/hiking trail will not have high impact on the environment. The trail is a natural surface about 12 feet wide cleared of vegetation. The route will undergo rigorous analysis of environmental impact and will avoid sensitive historic sites.

In this era of rapid land development, we must stand together as horseman to protect some precious land for equestrian use. Please join me in making this next section of equestrian and hiking trail a reality. You can send your comments until December 12th. Please include your town and state.

Horsin’ Around,
Tracy Matern
Past President
The Trinity Trail Preservation Assn.