Join Us at the TTPA Obstacle Competition on 17 Sept 2011

Buckskin horse navigates obstacle course

The Trinity Trail Preservation Association (TTPA) is sponsoring an Equestrian Obstacle Competition for fun on 17 Sept 2011 at the East Fork Trail head.

Registration will open at 8 AM and close at 9:30 AM. No registrations will be accepted at 9:30 AM. A participants meeting will be held at 10:00 AM.

Pre-Registration TTPA Members – $20.00
At the Gate for TTPA Members – $25.00 (closes 9:30)
Pre-Registration Non-Members – $30.00
At the Gate for Non-Members – $35.00 (closes 9:30)

Equestrian camping available at adjacent East Fork Campground Sites:horse sites Near:Wylie State:TX Park Name: East Fork

For further information contact Tracy Matern at 214- 495-7493
or 214-392-2288 or e-mail

See details and registration information on the TTPA main web site at Obstacle Course information.