TTPA Christmas Party and Annual Membership Meeting
Fri 3 December
7-10 PM
Napolis Restaurant, Wylie, TX
RSVP to Berdine at 214-215-6141 by 30 Nov
The TTPA Christmas Party has moved to a restaurant this year but we will still be doing our Christmas Gift Exchange. Please bring a wrapped present valued at $20 or less. The party is a fun event and a good way to get to know fellow riders.
Dinners include a drink and salad. TTPA will pick up the gratuity. Dinner choices are Meat Lasagna, cheese lasagna, baked ziti, Manicotti, Spaghetti with meat sauce, and spaghetti with meat balls.
We will also be electing new board members. Our Vice President Tom Eberhart, Event Chair Berdine Eberhart and Secretary Pat Martin will all be stepping down after many years of service. We thank them for their many contributions. Each of these folks has given many hours of their personal time to help with the trail system and TTPA.
We will need new volunteers to fill the positions. Please consider getting involved with the club or if you were involved in the past please consider getting back involved. There will be an election to fill the openings at the meeting.

TTPA Board Members 2009-2010 From front left to right: Tom Eberhart, Berdine Eberhart, Ruth Blom, Tracy Matern, Charlie Gaines. Second Row from left: Duke Monson, Carole Kowitt, Pat Monson, Kendra Lara, Pat Martin and Christine Churchill
The picture above is of the board who has been serving you in the last year. If you want more information on what is involved with being on the board or would like to vounteer to be on the board, contact Tracy Matern.
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