Mark your calendars. Oct 30th is going to be a BIG day. TTPA will be hosting its annual Halloween Costume Contest (at 3 PM) followed by a trail ride at Brockdale Park. There is also a parade in Lucas that starts at 1 PM that is inviting horses to participate. You can wear your costume in the parade and then to the contest.

Here is a letter from Tracy Matern outlinng the details.

This is Tracy Matern, chairman of your Halloween ride. We’re planning a great full day of fun in conjunction with the Lucas Founder’s Day Celebration. We need some volunteers to get this organized. Please call or email me at bobtracy AT, 214-495-7493 (home) or 214-392-2288 (cell) if you can help fill any of these slots.

Coggins check person
1) Acquire the trailride and coggins check sign from the chuckwagon at Pat and Cliff Martin’s, 4040 Avion, Wylie, 75098.
2) Set the trailride sign up at Brockdale Park Road and 3286 about one hour before the TTPA Halloween Contest (2 PM).
3) Set up Coggins Check sign and check all incoming trailers until they stop coming in. Relax and enjoy the trailride and festivities the rest of the day. You can bring an assistant if you wish.


Chuckwagon Boss and 3 helpers

1) Acquire assistants to help with the set-up, cooking and serving. Our event committee members Debbie Bourgeois (dgbourgeois AT;214-383-0164), Elizabeth Lane (elane9 AT;469-667-5349); Sharon Berryman (sberry AT;972-727-6316), Elaine Kortkamp (elainekay2 AT; 972-824-8–2) and Lucy Estabrook ( 972-442-1329;972-442-6143) may be able to help or you can ask friends of your own.
2) Arrange to pick up the TTPA Chuckwagon from Pat and Cliff Martin, 4040 Avion, Wylie, TX. 75098. You can reach them at 972-412-2652. The chuckwagon has everything you need to set up including a propane grill and coolers for drinks. Bring the chuckwagon, set everything up and cook hamburgers and hot dogs for the participants. Make sure there is ketchup and mustard in supply. Acquire cash box at the same time.
3) Pick up or assign someone to pick up hamburgers, hot dogs and buns from the Lucas food booth at Lovejoy High School at 3 PM. See Mayor Carmickle to pick this cooler up. I will confirm with the Major prior to October 30th.
4) Assign someone to prepare tomato slices and onion slices and mayo and bring them to the cookout.
5) Pick up drinks and ice them down the day before…water, diet coke, sprite zero, Dr pepper. Check with Pat and Cliff about current inventory.
6) Decorate tables with Halloween décor. Berdine has delivered the décor to me so I can transfer it to you.
7) Tear down. Wash dirty dishes,etc, and return to trailer. Do a trailer inventory using the trailer inventory sheet. Contact Tracy for the latest version.
8) Return the trailer to Pat and Cliff Martin’s house.
9) Reimburse yourself from the donations collected for your food expenses. Record receipts and expenses on the chuckwagon spread sheet and send it to the treasurer along with the receipts.

Boss ______________________________________________________________________

Committee _____________________________________________________________



Note: If you are interested in the Chuckwagon Boss’ job for next year, this would be a great way to see if you would like the position. You will need a vehicle capable of towing about 2000 pounds (I think). Your car insurance will cover hauling the trailer.

2 Horrible Witches

1) Acquire tables, plates, cups and forks from the chuckwagon or bring your own for the Halloween Witches Brew. Decorate them. Tracy has the decorations.
2) Find a recipe for witches brew and use dry ice to make it scary. Acquire a large witches brew pot. Tracy has nasty gummy bear fingers and toes to put in the brew. Buy the ingredients. You will be reimbursed. Set up before the contest about 2:30 PM to serve. You may also decide whether to stay and serve witches brew at 6 PM but it is not necessary.
3) Acquire candy or cupcakes to serve with the witches brew. You will be reimbursed.

Witch 1 _____________________________________________________________________

Witch 2 _____________________________________________________________________

3 Contest Judges
1) Arrive about 2:45 PM with pencil and paper ready to award 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in each category.

Judge 1_____________________________________________

Judge 2_______________________________________________

Judge 3_______________________________________________