New Interactive Map Lets Riders Update Trail Conditions
Thinking of riding on Trinity Trail and wondering what the conditions are like? Well now you can get a report from your computer. TTPA member Mike Churchill recently created an interactive Trail Status map to update the condition of the trail.

The map is located at Riders will be able to update the map via the web.

Mike started with the map that Tracy Matern and Carole Kowitt created of the 25.5 mile TTPA trail. Since the trail is so long and trail conditions vary in different places, Mike took the trail map and divided it into six sections to allow for more accurate reporting of trail conditions.

The map will tell you whether the trail (or a section of the trail) is open or closed and the condition of the trail. The Open-Close function will be controlled by Charlie Gaines, the TTPA Trail Steward.

The condition status update can be made by anyone. Riders or hikers of the trail can report their experience when traversing the trail sections. One can click on the “update this segment” section to report on one section of the trail, or use the “update all trail segments’ conditions” link at the top of the page to update multiple sections of the trail.

You can report on the Trail Condition Status (Poor, Fair, Good) as well as reporting on specifics about the trail condition (in a pull-down menu), including:
Somewhat muddy
Mostly clear
Clear with great footing
Cracks on Trail
Trees across Trail

This Trail Status Reporting form is currently open for all visitors to use. Please respect the goal of this form, which is the open reporting of the trail status to keep the information on the map as accurate and useful as possible.

Happy Trail Riding!